Gary Springer

Gary is a 1999 graduate of Clemson University with a degree in Forest Resource Management.  Gary joined Milliken Forestry in 1999 and worked with institutional investors, TIMO clients and Milliken Forestry's appraisal department before moving to the private landowner staff in 2005.  Gary's professional experience includes creating financially productive timber management plans for his clients while emphasizing wildlife habitat improvements and visual appeal.  A licensed real estate agent since 2013, he develops marketing strategies for listed properties and continues to assist experiencd and first-time investors in timberland acquisitions. 

View My Listings

Land for Sale by Gary Springer

New Listing
Horry County, SC
The Pleasant Meadow Swamp Tract is a beautifully situated 630-acre farm near Green Sea.  A perfect blend of production and recreation, the property offers 67 acres of cultivated fields, over 6 acres of game patches, a 2-acre pond, and various ag...
630± Acres
Simpson Creek 96-2
Horry County, SC
A Peaceful Rural SettingThe Simpson Creek 96-2 Tract is a well-appointed 160-acre property on Highway 66 in central Horry County.  Sitting conveniently 3 miles north of Highway 22, the property features a combination of managed pine plantations ...
160.5± Acres
New Listing
Horry County, SC
The Bayboro 31 B Tract is an investment-grade timberland property in Northern Horry County with frontage on SC Highway 45.  The property is currently an efficient timberland tract with over 90% of its 341 acres in managed pine plantations. ...
142.82± Acres
Horry County, SC
A Peaceful Rural Setting The Simpson Creek 96-1 Tract is a serene 147-acre property on Highway 66 in Central Horry County.  Gentle topography makes the property suitable for a variety of land uses.  Whether your interest is building your h...
145.84± Acres
IP Boyd Tract 1
Under Contract
Horry County, SC
The IP Boyd-1 Tract is a pleasant 104-acre property in central Horry County.  With approximately 890 feet of frontage on Gause Rd., the property offers an excellent opportunity to develop your private family farm.  A well-managed young pine...
103.71± Acres
New Listing
Horry County, SC
The Bayboro 31 B Tract is an investment-grade timberland property in Northern Horry County with frontage on SC Highway 45.  The property is currently an efficient timberland tract with over 90% of its 341 acres in managed pine plantations. ...
104.45± Acres

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