Torry Miller
Torry Miller was born in Decatur County Indiana, where he resides with his wife and children today. Torry developed "old school" values and a strong work ethic from growing up on a row crop farm, which he continues to operate. He began hunting small game at an early age with his father, and later developed a passion for bowhunting whitetails. His love of agriculture and hunting continued to develop into a passion for land stewardship. Whether it is habitat for game, or tillable farmground, Torry understands the financial and emotional value in each parcel of land. Torry has been an officer and manager in family owned agricultural dealerships which provides him the business knowledge behind land transactions. Torry is a member of QDMA, NWTF, and Mossy Oak's Gamekeepers. In his personal time, he enjoys hunting, habitat improvement, camping, and spending time with his family. Contact Torry for your next recreational or investment property.