Ask Jason Bast
Badger Honey Hole
Have you ever wanted to own a legacy, premier, waterfowl property? This CONSERVANCY PROPERTY has a rare blend of habitat, feed, cover, high-ground, remote location, and proximity to large waterfowl production areas. This property is surrounded by the Fox River, Lake Poygan, and to the west, the 10,000+ acre, White River Sedge Meadow State Natural Area. There are several ponds located on the property, each filled with Wild Rice, Sago Pond-Weed, Bur-Reed, and more. There are a variey of cover vegitations including, River Rushes, Sedge Grass, Canary Grass, and Willows. These ponds are naturally Blue-Clay lined, hard-bottomed, and walkable. No boat required for setting decoys, or retrieving downed birds. There is a great mix of migratory, and local, ducks and geese. There are also a good number of big deer that move in and around this property. In addition, a licensed Game Farm is located near, providing good scratch hunting for Pheasants. There are several blinds strategically located on the ponds and across the high ground dyke running NW - SE through the property. The deer stands and blinds are included in the sale. There is even an "artificial tree" standing on the property, with a climbing tree stand in it. This is a great pinchpoint during the rut. This property features 2 artisan wells that keep the property well flooded during normal years. Access to the property is off of County Road V, via an 33' easment that extends back into the section (the remoteness of this location plays a big part in making the ducks and geese comfortable, and the hunting fantastic). The 2-track road leads back to the ponds, making for the easy moving of equipment back to the blinds. There is also an 8-wheeled Argo that will be available for sale seperately. This Legacy Conservancy Property is a rare opportunity to start a duck hunting tradition for your family now, and generations to come.
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