Ask Norman Schwartz
Star Canyon Ranch
Newlin Ridge offers panoramic views of the Wet mountains and the Sangre De Cristos with Pikes Peak to the North. Well maintained roads and access to many recreational activities including skiing,biking,hiking and fishing. Head out and explore in the pristine wilderness of Florence Mountain Park just up the road along Newlin Creek. The Arkansas River is just a few miles to the North and the gateway to Sheep Canyon, Royal Gorge then North to Salida up to Monarch ski area. The property lies 7 miles south of Florence and less than an hour to Colorado Springs. Utilities are available at property line. The views here are incredible with easy access to multiple building sites.
mixed use residential, recreational, ranchland35 acre propertyFlorence, CO 81226Fremont Countybearelkmule deerbig gamemoosewhitetail deersmall gamerabbitsquirrelfreshwater fishingATV trailspublic land accessequestrian trailshiking trailsbiking trailsbird watchingwhitewaterroad frontage